Config Vars Info

APPNAME = Enter all letters in small letters

ALIVE_NAME = Enter any name

API_HASH = get this from

APP_ID = Get this from

HEROKU_API_KEY = get this from

HEROKU_APP_NAME = enter App name here. which you gave in APPNAME

STRING_SESSION = generated by repl/termux which is saved in your Saved Messages after being generated

#BOT_FATHER Vars search @botfather in telegram send /newbot then enter bot name like catub then enter bot username like catubbot then send you will get bot token then type /mybots and send then choose your bot then click Bot Settings then click Inline Mode The button should appear as Turn On click it, it will show Turn Off (means its turned on) Done, copy the bot token and username!! TG_BOT_TOKEN = the token you copied from bot father

TG_BOT_USERNAME = the username you copied from bot father

Last updated