☞Added to send secret message from your bot(present only 64 characters supported)

Syntax : (Your bot username) secret (person username/id) message

bot username means the bot which created in @botfather and added in heroku vars at the time of deployment secret must be in that (it acts like command here)

☞while making this i dont know that call-backquery supports only 64 characters after made found it is error so need to redesign it

☞if you dont get above point dont make mess in group it just says that you cant send long messages in secret message now i will rewrite code to send lengthy messages

☞Example : check this image and click on that secret message ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Cᴀтusᴇʀʙoт ™ 😺 «@catuserbot17»

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