Version 3.0.0

Changelog for Catuserbot Update 3.0.0

✘ Added fast telethon support - Helps in downloading and uploading speed for files download

✘ New help menu (copied/inspired from userge). Who can get help for command itself instead of whole plugin help. and check usage and examples for its usage.

✘ After restart or update you will get notified from now on (turn it on by using .notify on)

✘ Pmpermit can be enabled by .pmguard on/off instead of using PRIVATE_GROUP_IDvar But You must set PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID

✘ Custom pmtext ,pmpic var is removed now you need to set them by a command called custom. Check .help -c custom for more info and also added custom block message.


Bot Commands

/uinfo reply this to user forwarded message to get details of the user who sent that message (since sticker and emoji forwarded messages doesn't show who sent them).

/broadcast reply this cmd to any message in the bot pm to send it all users who started your bot.

/ban reason. reply to forward message in the bot to ban the user so that the messages sent by him to bot doesn't get forwarded to you.

/unban reason reply to user forwarded message or give his username along with cmd in bot pm to unban him from your bot.

✘ Bot Controls

☞ bot_users - To get list of users who started your bot.

☞ bblist - To get list of banned users in bot.

☞ bot_antif - to turn on or turn off anti flood in bot pm by default it will be off.

✘ iytdl

☞ iytdl to download YouTube videos in specific format. This cmd shows you the list of all formats available and you can download specific format.


Changes in plugins


✘ Admin

☞ setgpic is updated as gpic and added two flags newly as (-s for setting , -d for deleting)

☞ iundlt and undlt both merged ad undlt - to get recently deleted messages in group, u can also pass integer along with cmd to get no of deleted messages to be showed by default it is 5, use -u to show media.

✘ Amongus

☞ Added 2 cmds newly and previous impostor plugin cmds to this and deleted old impostor plugin.

✘ Anilist

☞ Added new cmds (old cmds remain unchanged)

• wanime - (anime reverse search)

• sanime - to search and get info about that anime

• akaizoku - to get link to download anime (for more info check that cmd)

• upcoming - will show list of upcoming anime

✘ App - appr command is removed u have only app cmd in it now

✘ Archive - zip, unzip cmds fixed

✘ Autopfp Merged with Autoprofile plugin and thorpfp and batmanpfp cmd fixed

✘ Azan plugin previously known as ezanvakti (fixed and renamed as Azan)

✘ Blacklist - renamed as blacklistword and no other changes

✘ BlacklistChats - Enable it by .chatblacklist and add the chats to database by .addblkchat cmd. To stop working of userbot in those chats and remove the chat by doing .rmblkchat cmd. You can see list by .listblkchats

✘ Carbon - rgbk2 cmd removed

✘ Channel Download - fixed wrong count shown while downloading

✘ Chatbot - New plugin replacement for lydia - for proper working of this plugin You need to set Api, refer channel for api and check help menu of this plugin

✘ Climate - fixed sunrise and sunset timings

✘ Custom - To customize pmpermit, check help for more info by .help -c custom

✘ Download - Added fast telethon support so download takes much less time than before

✘ Echo - rewritten code again so it can show list of echoed users in better way.

✘ Emoji games - Added bowl emoji support

✘ Execmod - .date is merged with time, fast cmd is removed (duplicate of speed-test), qpro added to Quote plugin, except env , suicide and plugins remaining all removed.

✘ External plugins support is changed so update all old plugins in the new format.

✘ Fileconverts

Added new cmds

• Spin (image to round video ) , circle - sticker support added, itog (image to gif check help for this command you will like it.), vtog (video to gif check help to know how to use)

✘ Fonts - fonts and fonts2 plugins are merged to this plugin

✘ Gdrive -

Added Folder download support for .gdown cmd (-u flag doesn't work for it)

☞ Folder upload by .ugd also fixed

✘ Git - Github cmd is changed to new look and commit is added to this plugin (for future use)

✘ Google - Now you can customize no. of results to be shown and from which page to be showed

✘ Groupdata - adminperm cmd is updated as .uperm and transferred to other plugin.

✘ Help - New ui help menu u can use -t to get in text format of all plugins

☞ Use .cmds to get only command list

☞ Info cmd is removed, new help cmd does that info cmd function

✘ Imgfun -

Check this help menu for many new cmds to play with images , like imirror, irotate, iresize, square, dotify

✘ Mashup plugin is removed because bot used for it is dead

✘ Memify

New cmd pframe (to frame the replied image ) is added

✘ Mention - Fixed user mention by doing this format @username[text]

✘ Pmpermit - New pmpermit is Added with inline help menu

✘ Quotly - Added new cmd named qpic reply it to user message .

✘ Reddit - to get random reddit posts from reddit subcategories

✘ Rename - cleaned useless cmds like rename as .mvto cmd have same function

✘ Songs - added new audio reverse cmd check .shazam cmd

✘ Stickerfun - Added new cmds like honk, twt, glax and doge.

✘ Stickers - Added new cmd called .gridpack which converts pic to sticker pack, fixed stickers search cmd also.

✘ Sudo -

Turn on sudo and use this cmds for adding sudo users for your bot and custoize the cmds which are used by your sudo

✘ Tools -

Currency cmd removed will soon add this again

✘ Translate -

use lang cmd for setting default language so same language will be used for chat bot

✘ Upload -

fast telethon support added and circle cmd moved to fileconverts

✘ urltools

dagb is renamed as this


I may have forgotten some changes here.

✘ Credits


• iytdl , reddit , bot anti flood ,help ui are taken from userge-x.

• help menu look is inspired from userge/userge-x.

Last updated